Sports Psychology Consultancy

India’s First and Most Trusted Scientifically and Data-Backed Sport Psychology Consultancy Services

Founded by Sports Psychologist Dr Reetesh Riku (Ph.D. in Sports Psychology, Switzerland) and supported by Schuhfried, Austria with enriched experience of 77 years. Conscious Mind Solutions approach is to talk about data-driven scientific evidence to bring in a world-class approach for performance enhancement and developing a winning mindset.

Your co-trainer for high-level sport

Get ahead in competition with Conscious Mind Solutions

Conscious Mind Solutions uses a well-established and psychometrically valid tool including Vienna Test System (VTS) Sports, CogniPlus and Neurofeedback for talent spotting, preparation of training plans and talent Promotion. It allows the necessary tests to be compiled quickly and easily to answer the question relevant to performance psychology. Using it in combination with other sports psychology assessment tools, such as structured interview and discussion guides, thus provides you with a comprehensive set of information that enables an objective decision to be reached. Assess the performance structure of your promising players and athletes and optimize your selection and development processes!

Sports psychological performance and personality diagnostics made to measure in the search for talent, development of young players and sports psychology Research

Sport psychology has enjoyed a considerable upsurge in recent years. And rightly so: in sport it is often psychological factors that make the difference between victory and defeat. Using the appropriate psychometric tests enables you to assess detrimental factors such as high levels of stress, limited attention or low motivation and to put compensatory measures in place.

Our Sports Consultancy Module is perfectly designed for sports psychology assessment. The psychometrically valid tool for profile analysis, talent assessment and development of training plans gives players and athletes a clear picture of their sports psychology profile – in terms of both skills and personality.

Top-class athletes, sports clubs, sports academies and research institutes all over the world use the our services as a reliable aid to decision-making. They include the Austrian and German soccer associations, the Greek national basketball team, Gun For Glory, Sports Authority of India, Gun For Glory among others.

Assessments for sporting success

         Exact measurement with highly reliable quantitative data. Thanks to digital testing of sport-related parameters such as reaction time, choice decision-making, reactive stress tolerance, coordination and peripheral perception as a result of millisecond-precise measurement and the range of peripheral devices that can be controlled by the Vienna Test System.

  • Comprehensive profile of the athlete
  • Compliance with scientific standards ensures that assessment is fair and objective.
  • Reports describe your respondent’s performance in Quantitative Numbers, words and diagrams. Complex test results are broken down succinctly and made easy to understand.

Automated and easy-to-understand scorings with clearly set out results, individual reports, detailed profiles and ranking function.