Aviation Psychology


Suitability tests for the selection of pilots

In modern aviation, the human factor is becoming more and more important. This makes it all the more important to consider the human component when selecting pilots. Especially under pressure or in critical situations pilots have to make the right decision. With the psychological tests from Conscious Mind Solutions and the SAAIR test set, we make it easier for you to determine the suitability of applicants.

Assessments for more security offer:


Why test pilots with military standards?

The loss of pilots during or after employee training can lead to enormous costs. Therefore, exclude unsuitable candidates already in the test phase.

How? Very simple:
Test them with performance psychology for their cognitive abilities, attention, resilience and sensorimotor skills. A strong sense of space and focused attention can decide on future actions and safety-relevant behaviour in an emergency. In order to prevent possible failures even before training to become a pilot, you can test applicants for professional aptitude. SCHUHFRIED offers you a good opportunity to support your personnel selection. SCHUHFRIED’s aptitude tests were specially designed for military and air traffic and thus test future pilots for important safety-relevant personality aspects and performance characteristics. This provides you with a detailed analysis that makes it easier for you to select pilots.

What characteristics should pilots have?

Pilots take responsibility for themselves, the aircraft and the passengers on every flight. This is why it is essential to consider specific performance and personality characteristics when selecting personnel. These are of great importance for correct action in safety-relevant situations – with regard to coping with critical or stressful situations.

But what are these characteristics? On the one hand there are cognitive abilities such as spatial perception, memory, but attention and sensorimotor skills are also important components. They determine the everyday life of pilots and should be taken into account when selecting applicants. In an aptitude test they can check exactly these criteria and thus make the right personnel selection. All these factors are determined using the test set SAAIR and enable you to find the right pilots.

SAAIR – developed for the strict selection process for military pilots – now available for use in civil aviation

Cognitive abilities, attention, sensomotoric abilities and personality factors play an important role in determining the aptitude of pilots – especially for coping with critical situations.

The test set SAAIR has been adapted to the demanding requirements of military aviation and optimized for use in commercial airlines. SAAIR consists of standardised performance and personality tests that can be used individually or in combination.

Find the most suitable pilots with SAAIR and maximize the effectiveness of your recruiting budget at the same time through resource-efficient testing!


The SAAIR test set includes the following dimensions and tests to clarify relevant performance and personality factors in the psychological field



The SAAIR test set is a standardized aptitude test for pilots, consisting of performance and personality tests. It covers flight safety relevant aspects of personality and cognitive performance. This aptitude test was validated with regard to predictive ability on the flight simulator and was thus adapted to the needs of civil and military aviation. The SAAIR test set covers three main areas:

  • the candidate selection of civil and military pilots,
  • the pre-selection of candidates for a flight simulator examination, and
  • the regular aptitude assessment of pilots.

The aptitude test can be applied not only to pilots of aircraft but also to helicopter pilots, airship pilots and pilots of air sports equipment. Thus you do not only test the aptitude but also the potential of future applicants. Make the right choice and reduce the effort of the selection process as well as the time, mental and physical strain of the pilots.


Dimensions for clarifying safety-relevant performance:

Cognitive Abilities

Aviation requires high cognitive performance, which is essential for coping with critical situations.

Resilience & Attention

Attention and resilience are indispensable in modern aviation and important factors in determining the suitability of applicants.


Whether military pilots or civil aviation, a well-developed hand-eye coordination is a prerequisite.

Personal Determinants

Conscientiousness and emotional stability are characteristics of the aptitude of pilots.

Evaluation made simple – with the SAAIR Report

The SAAIR Report offers you a tool to make a simple and detailed selection of applicants. Because the test not only shows you the usual test results, but also an evaluation and interpretation of these. Use the interview guide to make your recruitment process more efficient and thus acquire higher quality employees. An increase in efficiency and quality.

Save resources in PRE-selection with Safety-Screenings

Tests for a large number of applicants require a great deal of time and money. Time and costs can be reduced significantly via pre-selection with the SAFESC – Safety Assessment Screening Aviation.

The respondents are able to carry out the SAFESC on the go, from any location, on their own PC or on a mobile end device. You can then test potentially suitable candidates more comprehensively with the safety assessments from SCHUHFRIED (SAAIR – Safety Assessment Air).

Screening for ideal pre-selection

  • The abilities tested with the SAFESC were selected based on international guidelines, proven selection procedures, and empirical studies.

  • The SAFESC offers a fast overview of the results: an overall scoring in percentage points with a three-star system as an aid to interpretation and individual results with an assessment in traffic light colors. The different weighting of the abilities in the area of aviation is included in the scoring.

The SAFESC is optimized for online presentation and for a large number of applicants.