Wellness Camps: A well-structured training module consisting of multifarious activities, psychometric assessment and individual counseling. These modules are specifically designed to spread mental well-being through interactive sessions. Relaxation techniques are taught for stress management and stress reduction through meditation and breathing exercises.
Employee Effectiveness Programme: A distinctive and invaluable programme to up skill the workforce of companies and organizations. Under this programme we offer work based, flexible training modules. These training modules are competency-based and embrace a participative approach to the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes, equipping people to operate more effectively in their respective workplaces. We design and deliver training programmes on the following major areas:
- Communication Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Time Management
- Anger Management
- Stress Management
- Succession Planning
- Team Building
- Creativity and Innovations
- Motivation
- Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills
- Negotiation Skills
- Attitude Building
- Leadership Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Sense of Responsibility
- Confidence Building
- Self Discovery (Introspection)
- Teamwork and Cooperation