Psychometric testing & Services

Personnel selection and development? Conduct testing economically and make informed decisions.

Our testing service is modular in design and fully customizable: a wide range of psychological tests (personality tests, intelligence tests, ability tests, interest tests, etc.) is available, enabling the best tests for a particular requirements profile to be selected.


While other assessment tools such as interviews, assessment centers, or CV analysis yield information about candidates’ behavioral repertoire either now or in the past, psychological tests focus on people’s longer-lasting and more fundamental characteristics. The assessment of potential thus not only helps to distinguish between candidates who are currently suitable or unsuitable but also identifies those who are likely to develop quickly in the direction of the requirements profile.



When combined with your structured interview, the Vienna Test System HR tests provide sound and reliable information about the degree of similarity between the job profile and candidates’ profiles. The structured, standardized and objective process ensures that the same conditions apply to all applicants, so that all have the same chance.





  • Unique range of psychological tests for assessing individuals’ suitability for safety-critical jobs (e.g. train drivers, professional car and truck drivers, pilots, mineworkers, police, military).

  • Compliance with scientific standards ensures that assessment is fair and objective.

  • Can be used internationally – tests can be presented in up to 30 languages.

  • Efficient and economic testing – including in group test sessions.

  • The range of tests can be personalized and extended by incorporating a company’s own tests and questionnaires.

  • Compilations of specific tests designed to answer a general query regarding performance psychology:suitability assessment for road, air and rail (SAROAD, SAAIR, SARAIL), key factors of professional success (SMART).

  • Reports describe your candidate’s performance in words and diagrams. Complex test results are broken down succinctly and made easy to understand

Manage your recruitment more effectively than ever

Staff & Management Assessments

Assessments for decision-makers

  • All HR managers will find the standardized Staff & Management Assessments accessible and easy to use (no psychology training needed)

  • Skilful combining of products provides optimum variance and individuality for your applicant groups
    Clear, easily understood scoring with analysis of opportunities and risks, interview guidelines and onboarding plan (report)

  • Tests derived from the Big Five and Cattell-Horn-Carroll models, thereby ensuring scientific quality


Applicant transparency: ability and personality count

How do you measure an applicant’s potential to succeed? What key competences need to be considered? The core finding of scientific studies is that the right mix of ability and personality has the greatest power to predict whether an applicant will become a successful employee. By supplementing interviews and CV analysis with standardized tests you not only save time and money in the recruitment process but also reduce staff turnover later.


The Staff & Management Assessments draw on this approach.

They comprise standardized ability and personality tests that can be used singly or in combination. For staff selection and development we recommend that you combine an ability and a personality test. This will answer approximately 80% of your assessment queries.


The ability tests in the Staff & Management Assessments (e.g. INT, SMART) measure the applicant’s logical reasoning ability and verbal and numerical ability. They are based on the intelligence model of Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC).

The personality tests in the Staff & Management Assessments (BFSI, B5PS, FCB5) measure the applicant’s resilience, extraversion, flexibility, team orientation and conscientiousness. They are based on the Big Five model, also known as the Five Factor model.

The Cattell-Horn-Carroll model and the Big Five model are internationally recognized standard models used universally in personality research. The factors measured by these models are ones that are considered to be very stable throughout a person’s life as well as being independent and largely culture-free. They have therefore been found to be very reliable key factors for the prediction of success at work.

In addition, you can combine Staff & Management Assessments with other tests from the SCHUHFRIED range. Test knowledge of English with ELST, mechanical and technical comprehension with MTA, multi-tasking skills with SIMKAP and attention with DAKT.


Some extensive reports have been specially prepared for use in human resources (recruitment and staff development). They contain interpretations, interview guidelines and specific suggestions for action; all this information is based on robust validation studies.


Each report is available in three versions: one for the recruiter, one for senior management, and one for the candidate.

Report Sales

Report Management

Report Staff

You can find everything else about the test evaluation here.

Variants and free advice


Staff & Management Assessments are available in various ability variants. Numerous different versions can be provided, ranging from individual online presentations for e-recruitment processes to the database solution. We shall be happy to advise you on the variants. Simply write to