Psychology Services For Railways


Suitability tests for train drivers

The human factor has a major influence on rail safety. Drivers are confronted daily with the most diverse situations – be it stress or a crisis. In order to react appropriately to this, it is relevant for drivers to have certain safety-relevant characteristics.

It is easy to check whether these are present in your applicants: Rely on SCHUHFRIED’s performance psychological aptitude tests and benefit from many years of expertise.

SCHUHFRIED Assessments for more safety on tracks

·         Broad spectrum of high quality tests

·         Safety and reliability

·         Simple, understandable and automated evaluations

·         Individual reports and detailed profiles

Why test train drivers in a standardized way?

The job description of a locomotive driver includes not only locomotive drivers, but also tram and subway drivers. This broad definition of the profession makes one thing necessary: checking suitability by means of standardised psychological tests. Locomotive drivers are required to do much more than simply take an interest in the railway system or have a basic technical understanding, they must also be physically and mentally fit for the job. 

Whether someone is suitable as a driver also depends on the personality traits that the person must possess. Simplify your selection of applicants by relying on SCHUHFRIED’s standardised aptitude tests.

Thanks to years of experience in the field of psychological testing SCHUHFRIED was able to define test dimensions for train drivers.

What characteristics should train drivers have?

Are you looking for applicants who meet the requirements of a driver? Then pay attention to traffic safety relevant characteristics when selecting applicants.

Locomotive drivers are under a lot of pressure every day because they are not only responsible for the functioning of the train, tram or underground. In addition to the assumed technical understanding of applicants, certain performance and personality traits are also important. On the one hand, future locomotive drivers must be able to cope with irregular working hours and shift work and always deliver cognitive high performance, and on the other hand, this job profile is also associated with absences of several days from the place of residence. Independent working becomes a major factor in the selection of applicants.

In addition to performance-related characteristics, train drivers must also have basic psychological prerequisites: Ability to work under pressure, conscientiousness and also emotional stability. The latter is often the focus of attention, as train drivers not only take responsibility for themselves, but also for the well-being of their passengers. Mindful behaviour is therefore important.

In order to determine the suitability of applicants, you should rely on the test set SARAIL. In this way you can easily and efficiently find new and, above all, reliable personnel.

SARAIL – bring your personnel selection on track

The SARAIL test set comprises the following dimensions and tests:

The SARAIL test set was developed to limit the selection of applicants by standardized testing. Thanks to SCHUHFRIED’s many years of experience, a catalogue of psychological and cognitive criteria has been established.

The SARAIL test set offers personnel managers a simple and efficient way of selecting future train drivers. The aptitude test tests applicants for cognitive abilities such as memory and verbal abilities as well as attention and perception. In addition, the test set identifies road safety relevant factors and personality determinants that are required for the exercise of the job description. Thanks to the broad spectrum of high-quality tests, you can easily select future train drivers and make a high-quality selection of applicants.

In the selection and continuous assessment of the psychological fitness of train drivers, psychological tests shall ensure that applicants and persons already working in the undertaking have the necessary fitness to drive trains safely. In order to meet these requirements, the selection of performance and personality tests for SARAIL was based on the EU Directive EU/2007/59/EC. In addition to recording performance dimensions, this directive also provides for the clarification of personality dimensions.

With the SARAIL test set we support you in optimising the selection and testing of train drivers in terms of economy and quality. A main focus here is the detailed preparation of the results, which greatly facilitates interpretation and profiling.

Dimensions for the clarification of safety-relevant performance:

Attention and Concentration


In rail traffic, even a small error can lead to major damage: Concentration and Attention are essential.


Cognitive Abilities


The verbal ability to report errors or the rapid logical reasoning can be determined by means of this test dimensions.


Resilience and Ability to React


Test future applicants and already active train drivers for their mental resilience and reactivity.


Sensomotor functions and perception


Eye-Hand coordination and visual perception are basic requirements for train drivers.


Personality Determinants


In addition to technical affinity and reactive behaviour, specific personality determinants are also essential targets for applicant selection.


Evaluation made easy – with the SARAIL Report

The SARAIL report presents the results of the test set. It can be used as a simple overall assessment and an evaluation of the t everyday tasks, as well as to analyse the results of the individual tests. You can also use the individual interview guide to make your recruiting process even more efficient and use the training suggestions to optimize development areas of new or existing employees.

Save resources in PRE-selection with Safety-Screenings

Tests for a large number of applicants require a great deal of time and money. Time and costs can be reduced significantly via pre-selection with the SAFESC – Safety Assessment Screening Rail.

The respondents are able to carry out the SAFESC on the go, from any location, on their own PC or on a mobile end device. You can then test potentially suitable candidates more comprehensively with the safety assessments from SCHUHFRIED (SARAIL – Safety Assessment Rail).

Screening for ideal pre-selection


  • The abilities tested with the SAFESC were selected based on international guidelines, proven selection procedures, and empirical studies.

  • The SAFESC offers a fast overview of the results: an overall scoring in percentage points with a three-star system as an aid to interpretation and individual results with an assessment in traffic light colors. The different weighting of the abilities in the area of rail is included in the scoring.

  • The SAFESC is optimized for online presentation and for a large number of applicants.