Stress Management

Stress Management Counselling

The purpose of Stress Management Counselling and Psychotherapy is not to eliminate stress from your life. This is impossible. Stress is a natural response to change, and change is inevitable. Having a certain amount of stress in your life is normal. However, cumulative stress that results from excessive exposure to hassles, responsibilities, daily pressures, concerns, worries, and anger threatens our health and happiness.

You may have never been taught how to take care of yourself in a positive and caring way. The skills of relaxation and focused concentration aren’t often taught in higher education curriculums, but they are vital to learning and being healthy and happy now and in your future.

The first step in dealing with stress is becoming aware of what stresses you and how your body reacts to it. Many of us have become experts at desensitizing ourselves or ignoring our bodies’ signals. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Am I ready to take responsibility for paying attention to my stressors and how stress manifests in my life? Taking this first step will enhance your quality of life right now.


What Causes Stress ?

Stress can be caused by any type of physical or emotional stimulus or situation. Often, people speak of different types of stress such as work stress, relationship stress, or parenting stress. Some kinds of stress may be related to specific stages of life such as aging, pregnancy, the teen years, or the menopausal transition. Children can also be affected by stress.

Despite its source, any type of stress can become unmanageable or overwhelming. The following are risk factors for uncontrollable stress:

  • Social and financial problems

  • Physical or mental illness

  • Lack of social support networks

  • Family history of stress or family discord








Possible Treatments and Therapy to Heal and Deal with Your Stress

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ( CBT )

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

  • Evidence-based stress management techniques

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

  • Breathwork

  • Action Orientated Approaches: used to take action to change a stressful situation

  • Emotion-oriented approaches: used to change the way we perceive a stressful situation

  • Acceptance-oriented approaches: used for dealing with stressful situations you can’t control

  • Affirmations and imagery

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Cognitive Restructuring

  • Talk it out


Alternative Therapies –In addition to traditional methods of stress therapy, there are many activities that an individual can do to alleviate their stress. Activities like exercise, yoga, meditation, and social support are all useful tools to try if a person is faced with intense feelings of stress or pressure.



Benefits of Counselling for Stress Management are the following :

  • Active lifestyle

  • Emotional intelligence including empathy

  • Meditation or Mindfulness

  • Use of relaxation techniques

  • Meaningful work or volunteer time

  • Optimism, happiness

  • Social support

  • Connectedness

  • Spiritual expression

  • Environmental engagement (e.g., green practices)

  • Time outdoors

  • Consumption of healthy foods in moderation

  • Quiet time alone

  • Restful, restorative sleep

  • Positive self-talk

  • Intellectual engagement

  • Mindfulness

  • Sense of humor

  • Enjoyable physical activity

  • Responsible self-management of time and finances

  • Responsible self-management of alcohol and other substances and sexual activity


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